Rappers' Clash is Remarkably Irrelevant

Rappers' Clash is Remarkably Irrelevant
By: Ellie Thornsbury

No cat fight has ever been thought of as "groundbreaking", now has it? Yet, once again, a celebrity incident has made the front page. Good Journalism affects its audience, and has a lasting impact. Cardi B and Niki Minaj's debacle affects absolutely no one but those involved, and makes a lazy, forgettable article.

This article has contradicted one of the most important yardsticks in journalism; newsworthiness. What's the point in writing an article if its not going to make a change? Sure, celebrities make entertaining T.V. shows and humorous memes, but their actions almost never affect the general public. Movie stars belong on red carpets, not the news. CNN needs to focus their talent on relevant topics. Their publication should be a place people go to get informed, right now its a place for entertainment.

Not only has this article failed to be newsworthy, it has also disregarded the Explanation yardstick. A journalists job is to report and relay information to the public, and explain why it is important. Chloe Melas, the author of this article, has failed to convey why the topic she addressed matters. Is Cardi B and Niki Minaj's feud important? Why? Who does it affect? What does this mean for the music industry? These are all examples of questions Chloe Melas should've  answered in her article. Instead, a surface-level review of the pop stars' clash was written without any consideration of big picture, long term effects. 

In conclusion, Niki and Cardi's argument was an inapplicable, unimportant topic. While it might have been entertaining, the article fell short when it came to relating to the public, and didn't convey why the issue at hand matters. In the future, CNN needs to recognize the 7 yardsticks of journalism, and remember that a journalists main job is to accurately inform the public.
